Part 50: July 29 Part 2: VII. The Chariot
-Studio Backlot-![](1-hOdnoyDl.jpg)
This will be the most crucial battle the team has ever faced. Fortunately, Sanzo has enough experience with their enemy to form a solid profile of his weaknesses:
Confident women...
And anyone better-equipped for poopsocking.
-Void Quest-
You know the difference between you and Sanzo? He makes this look good.
Please enter your name:
Please enter your name:
Rise's Radar skills show treasure chests on the whole floor, and Shadows within a fair distance. Nothing world-shattering, but it can help you predict the floor's layout. Treasure chests are always placed in dead-end hallways, or the corners of rooms.
The Void Quest gives you a few other little clues, too. Doors opposite a candle like this one will always open onto other hallways.
These shields mark doors to rooms with treasure and/or
Swords mark the stairs upward.
It's mauve because it's deadly. Just like in nature.
* How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange! I'll make a worthless human like you taste endless pain! Take this!
Critical hit! Punishing hit! Mitsuo has been knocked down...
These Blue Sigils are weak to Physical, but drain everything else. They use Tetrakarn to make themselves invulnerable, then blow everyone up with Megido. Never, ever let enemies get Advantage in this dungeon. Well, anywhere really, but especially here.
* You seemed to have slept well last night. You slept so well that not even the noisy siren from the police cars woke you. I think something real bad happened...Can you go buy some coffee from the cafe at the arcade? Thanks. Did you hear a girl was killed? It's becoming a dangerous world out there...I don't even feel safe walking around town...Don't let your guard down, and make sure you're not out late, okay?
This floor is a series of these cross-shaped rooms. Each arm of the cross teleports you to the base of the one right next to it.
Teddie's Follow-Up is a single-target auto-crit, just like Yosuke and Yukiko's.
> Fight
Mitsuo attacks!
Thou hast done well in defeating the female announcer. Mitsuo hath been promoted to the next level. Thy Excitement increases by 4. Thy Emptiness increases by 1.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn.
> Fight
Mitsuo attacks!
Thou hast done well in defeating the corpse discoverer.
Mitsuo hath been promoted to the next level. Thy Sadness increases by 5. Thy Emptiness increases by 8.
These blinged-out beetles repel everything except Physical.
Hollow voice: No...No...N...No...N...o...Noooo...Nnnooo...Nooo...Noo...Noooo...
* Did you sleep well? I heard that a girl was killed last night. The noise of the arcade was bad, but can you buy some coffee from the cafe in the police cars? Thanks. I can't even safely walk around...I can safely withdraw cash now. Have you heard? Good morning. Don't be out dangerously late, okay? Relax and don't let your guard down.
This floor is a series of 4-way intersections. Hitting the center of any intersection turns the camera around. Truly, Mitsuo Kubo's fiendish power knows no limits.
Don't leave without hitting the room at the far north end of the floor.
Unlike its little brothers in the Bathhouse, this Killing Hand has no physical weakness.
It still doesn't do much on its own. The real danger is from the Almighty Hands that it summons into battle.
At least that's what I'm assuming, because Chie did almost 2,000 damage and instantly killed it.
The Killing Hand was guarding a chest with an Orb of Darkness. You can't open the last door to Mitsuo without it.
* How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange!
Morooka draws near!
> Kill
Mitsuo attacks! Thou hast done well in killing Morooka.
Mitsuo hath been promoted to the next level. Thy Attention increases by 16. Thy Fame increases by 17. Thy Coolness increases by 3.
The Steel Machines have only 65 HP, but their defenses and attack power are through the roof. A normal team might manage to scuff their paint before getting one or two-shotted with Navas Nebula.
Grenades' damage isn't affected by resistance or defenses, though.
* You're...Yyyyooouuuuuu'''rrrreeeee...
Yyyyyyyoouuuuu'''rrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeeeeeeerrrrrreeeerereeerreeeeeeeerrrr Yorukjgamskleeruiogmamnsekrljffojlgakillfyoreklgakaillfjekkillkillkillkillkillkilkillki
> The door is sealed with a mysterious power...Pitch-black darkness flows from the Orb of Darkness!
-Border of Insanity-
-Revelations: Mitsuo-
This Shadow kicks things off with Character Setup, which turns it into Mitsuo the Hero:
Shadow Mitsuo is the first serious challenge the game throws at you. Do whatever it takes to hit level 38 and fuse Black Frost before you fight him.
He gets two turns for every one the team gets. As Mitsuo the Hero, he has Command > Attack, a single-target double hit, and Command > Item, a single-target bomb that inflicts random ailments.
The Shadow takes no actual damage while his hero shell is still up. Cracking it will Down him and change his routine.
After he gets back up, Shadow Mitsuo will use Dekaja if the kids have any active stat boosts, and then a random Color Wall skill. After that, he alternates between Ma-la attacks for whichever element he walled off, and basic attacks. If he gets any 1 Mores he'll use them on Megidola, and then you're probably screwed. Bring lots of Wall Paprika to cover your team's weaknesses. Or just Guard them, I guess, but anyone on the Void Quest pro circuit will tell you that Guarding is for babby scrublets.
This was pretty stupidly lucky. I was certain he'd use Blue with Yosuke and Teddie out on the field.
Another reason to love your stat mods: turns the enemy uses for Dekaja/Dekunda are turns they're not using to mess you up.
Shadow Mitsuo will use Whisper to start reconstructing Mitsuo the Hero. Hit him hard enough and he'll also use Chant and Prayer to rebuild it immediately.
He's still vulnerable until the shell is complete, so pour it on.
After the first reconstruction, Mitsuo the Hero's attacks become stronger.
He also gains Command > Spell, which will hit the whole team with Almighty damage.
He did it again! Seriously, what is the deal? L2PNUB
Shouldn't have made that "corpse discoverer" crack.
Oh thank god.
-Junes Theme-
-Who's There?-